Installation guide

Note: all available administration/development commands are visible by running make.

Run the app

This only command is sufficient to run the whole stack in one stretch:

APP_ENV=prod make deploy

It is equivalent to the following commands:

make run_maintenance_app # Display maintenance page
make prod_config # Configure environment variables
make build # Build Docker images
make run # Run containers
make alembic_migrate # Run database migration
make stop_maintenance_app # Hide maintenance page

The list of available APP_ENV environments:

  • dev: For local development.
  • ci: For Continuous Integration on Gitlab. Without Traefik proxy.
  • review_app: For Review Apps on Gitlab. Similar to production configuration.
  • prod: For production usage.

Initialize the secrets

Once the app is running, generate the root password by running following commands:

docker compose exec -it server python
>>> from import auth_service
>>> auth_service.create_salt_and_hashed_password(plaintext_password="YOUR_PASSWORD")

Then, copy and paste the password and the salt in the ROOT_PASSWORD_HASH and ROOT_PASSWORD_SALT environment variables respectively (in the backend/.env file which has been generated by the previous *_config command)

Generate the JSON Web Token secret key:

openssl rand -hex 32

Then, copy it in the SECRET_KEY environment variable.

Configure the URLs

In the backend/.env file, replace VITE_APP_SERVER_HOST with your real domain name and set VITE_APP_SERVER_WS_PROTOCOL='wss' if your reverse-proxy can handle SSL/TLS like for HTTPS (recommended).

Set the analytics

If you want to follow the visitor’s activity on the app and you have a Matomo instance, you can configure Petit Rapporteur to send data to it.

In the backend/.env file, you need to put the Matomo’s domain name in ‘VITE_APP_MATOMO_DOMAIN’ and the ID, given by Matomo after having declaring a new website, in VITE_APP_MATOMO_SITE_ID.

Take changes into account

Finally restart the app in order for the environment variables to be taken into account:

make stop && make run